
அகனமர்ந்து செய்யாள் உறையும் முகனமர்ந்து நல்விருந்து ஓம்புவான் இல்.

with smiling face who he entertains each virtuous guest; Fortune with gladsome mind shall in his dwelling rest.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

chicken 65


chicken - 1/2 kg
red chilly powder - 1 tbsp
cumin powder - 1/2 tbsp
ginger garlic paste - 1tbsp
egg - 1
rice flour - 2 tbsp
corn flour - 1 tbsp
red food color - 1 pinch
salt - as per taste
oil - 1/4 cup


In a bowl add chicken pieces ,powders,paste,flours,food color,salt,egg mix well and keep aside for 1/2 an hour and more.Pour the oil in pan and heat it in medium flame . After oil gets heated add some pieces and fry until it gets fried and turn into red color .At last serve with lemon .

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