
அகனமர்ந்து செய்யாள் உறையும் முகனமர்ந்து நல்விருந்து ஓம்புவான் இல்.

with smiling face who he entertains each virtuous guest; Fortune with gladsome mind shall in his dwelling rest.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

chicken schezwan fried rice


chicken - 1/2 kg
basmathi rice - 1 cup( 250 gm )
onion - 1 large
Beans - 1/2 cup
carrot - 1/2 cup
peas - 1/4 cup
capsicum - 1/2 cup
spring onion - 2 tbsp
mushroom - 1/2 cup
garlic - 4 flakes
ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp
dry red chilles - 4 chilles
red chilly powder - 1 tbsp
soy sauce - 2 tbsp
red chilli sauce - 1 tbsp
vinegar - 2 tbsp
Worcestershire sauce - 2 tbsp
ajinomoto - 1 tsp
salt - as per taste
oil - 1/4 cup
water - 500 ml


Fry the basmati rice with 1 tbsp of oil , fry until the rice gets heated reasons for this is rice can't break soon. clean the chicken and cook the chicken with 500ml water.After cooked separate chicken and water and measure water should be 500ml if greater use it for soup ,to the chicken add ginger garlic paste and 1/2 red chilli powder and keep aside.Heat the pan pour some little amount of oil , after the oil is heated add dry red chilles ,onion , mushroom ,ajinomoto and salt and fry until it turns golden color .Again heat the pan with little amount oil , after heated add garlic and chicken fry well until garlic flavour smells and then keep aside. Add the mixture to rice and pour the water , add remaing red chilly powder and cook .In the mean time heat the pan with 2 tbsp of oil , to heated oil add all vegetables and little amount of salt and fry until it gets cooked.After rice is cooked , heated the pan add little amount of oil and add the rice and vegetables ,spread sauce all over and mix well in medium flame.At last sprinkle spring onion over the rice and serve hot.

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